is an R package to calculate measures of endemism and evolutionary
diversity using rasters of presence-absence as input, allowing to join
the results derived from species distribution models (SDMs) with
phylogenetic information.
The CRAN version of the package can be installed using:
The development version of phyloraster
can be downloaded
from GitHub
using the following code:
Example usage and information about the package can be found at the
webpage or in the vignette
Please cite both the package and the article describing the methods in your publications:. Here is an example:
Article recently published in Ecography
Alves-Ferreira G, Mota FMM, Talora DC, Oliveira, C, Solé, MK, Heming NM
(2024). phyloraster: an R package to calculate measures of endemism and
evolutionary diversity for rasters. Ecography. doi:
Package published in CRAN
Alves-Ferreira G, Heming NM, Mota FMM. (2024). phyloraster: Evolutionary
Diversity Metrics for Raster Data. R package version 2.0. doi:
For more information:
If you have any question or find any bug, let us know through the topic Issues.